About The Artist

Willemien Krüger

I am a country girl in my heart, having grown up on a remote Karoo farm.
We were surrounded by fields, nature and a quietness that was almost touchable.
Till today, I am grateful for growing up so close to God’s creation where I still today find endless inspiration for my art.
I started working as an interior designer in 2001, and also finished my B.arch stud. degree in architecture.
My love for letters and calligraphy comes a long way, but really started to take another direction when I met Heleen de Haas in 2000 and was fortunate enough to attend calligraphy classes at her studio.
I am married to a wonderful, supporting husband and we are blessed with two bundles of joy: Mijke and Dian
In 2019, I started working in my studio on a more full-time basis, and love every minute.
I thank God for this exciting new chapter in my life. Thank you for enjoying this journey with me!


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